In search for a holistic christian identity.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Why Phileo???

Two years ago i thought of this name phileo, and thought maybe i will give it to my son in future. recently i saw an electrical brand also use phileo but i don't think they have what i have in mind. Phi stands for philosophy which represent wisdom or the mind. Leo stands for lion which signify physical strength or represent the body. and Phileo in Greek means love, brotherly love, taking the place of the heart. Human must have a holistic growth, and the perfect example for this growth is seen in Jesus when it was said of Him that he "grew in wisdom and in stature, in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52)
Now the question is how can we have or generate this kind of growth in us? When we wash our dishes like a cup for example do you wash the inside first or the outside first? Where do u think we should start?.....


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