In search for a holistic christian identity.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Thoughts on "Click"

I just watch this new movie yesterday, it stirs my thoughts.
Our character is a refection of our habits, and our habits are formed by our behavior. What we choose today, will mould our character tomorrow. What is our preference when we are in a choice between work and family? Between work and God? Or family and God? If youths today are encourage to choose academic studies before God, I'm sure they will choose their work above God in future.
Adam Sandler had a second chance, I don't think we have.
What kind of life do we want? What kind of life do we want our youths to have? I believe, start choosing now.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Our character is a reflection of our habits, and our habits are formed by our behavior. What we choose today, will mould our character tomorrow.”

Shouldn’t it be the other way round? Let’s take a look at the definition.

Character means the inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions; "education has for its object the formation of character".

Behavior represents how an object/person acts and reacts.

Habit means a pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition.

A character is an attribute deep within that is formed by external influence such as education, our environment and our teachings. Therefore, character should drive our behavior that evolves to become a habit within our lives. Instead of choosing, I strongly uphold in belief, trust and faith that is a driver of our character. Many a times, human tend to look for an answer and faith in the world we are living. That’s why we resort to searching and choosing. Why is there a need to search and choose when the faith is already given to you? So, use the faith that you have and start to believe . . . It is from belief that miracles come.

All persons living on earth are living on a 2nd chance that was given at the Calvary when Jesus was nailed on the cross. So, I don’t believe in choosing because in choosing, it meant giving up another in pursuit of the other. Instead, I believe that God has intention of using the talents and the gifts that he has given to each person to carry out his mission and purposes. Therefore, we exalt his name with the aptitude that was given. At the end of the day, it’s about glorifying him, believing in Him and working with Him in his plans to expand his kingdom.

To my best friend ... I wish you all the best in your new challenge and believe in yourself and in Him that he has greater plans for you. =)

Edwin Gan

8:27 PM


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