In search for a holistic christian identity.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Unconditional Love

The story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-31) best describe the love of God. Like a father, God's grace and mercy is always there waitting for us with open arms when we realised our wickedness, actknowledge our nothingness and go back to Him.
Sometimes we may feel so guilty for our sin that we dare not approch God fearing that He will reject us. We may feel and behave like Peter when seeing the miraculous act of Jesus, realising His holiness say "away from me Lord for i'm a sinner" (Luke 5:8), or when after betraying Jesus 3 times, try to avoid Jesus and could not understand His love for him. (John 21:115) But even though Jesus knew Peter was going to deny Him, He still pray for him and spoke of Peter's future usefulness (Luke 22:32)
God's love is unconditional! Jesus didn't ask Zacchaeus to repent first before He will have dinner in his house, but instead He offer to go to his house without condition and this love change Zacchaeus.
Let us then imitate king David for when in his darkest time, caught in sin, he prayed (Psa 51:11) "D not cast me from your presence or take your Holy spirit from me"
Therefore when we are weak in flesh, when we are deep in sin, let's not run away from God but yield even more of His presence and His Spirit.

"There is nothing we can do to make Him love us more, and nothing we have done could make Him close the door." Thank you Jesus.....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


The Bible command us to repent and so often in our prayer to God we tell Him we repent from our sin. Repent is not about feeling sorry for your mistake, is not about crying over spilled milk, is not about how sorrow and remorse you feel, but is all about a "change of mind". changing our mind from our sinful act and desire to the righteousness of Jesus Christ, changing from the love for sinful self gratification to the love for God and His holiness.
Tears does not justify repentance....