In search for a holistic christian identity.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

You are the Light of the World

In the "sermon on the mount" Jesus after giving the the beatitudes, tell His disciples this, "you are the light of the world." In my own Christian journey I find myself and other fellow Christian trying so hard to project that light, just because we fail to see the our new being and new life in Christ. Jesus didn't ask us to create the light, but He say "you are the light" many a times I see Christian including myself obeying this statement of Jesus as if He had given us a torch light and we are suppose to shine the light into the dark place whenever and wherever we can as long as our battery power is still strong. But Jesus is referring to people who have been born again and received this new life as new creation in the source of LIGHT as light. We are the light, our whole being and character is the light, wherever we go our light shines. That's why in the following verse the warning that Jesus gave was not about switching off your light and fail to shine but He was warning against covering up your light. Jesus has lid you up, the worst you can do is covering it up. Why people of light would want to cover up their light? Because when there is light darkness will flee, and sad to say Christian sometimes still prefer darkness to be around. Is hard to be someone you are not, is hard to shine when you are not the light, when the source of light is not in you.
Jesus The Light has come, He did not just give you the light, but He made you into a light to the world. So that people may see this transformed light and praise our Father in Heaven.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Lectio Divina on John 2:6-11

This passage recorded the first sign of Jesus at a wedding banquet.
The thought that came:
"We must first be clean and empty and be filled by the Holy Spirit then only Jesus can tansform us into the BEST wine. And when people see this transformation they will believe in our God"

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

New Journey...

Finally i have stated my new journey in full time ministry with the youth. There are so much to achieve, ideas keep coming, but i pray that it wouldn't remained as a dream. I'm happy and excited, espeacially with my own office.
There is only one Focus in my mind,
"Follow my example, as i follow the example of Christ."

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Inside Out

If the heart is your feeling, the mind is your thinking and the body is your doing then the soul would be our inner being. Our thoughts, emotion and action are very much the reflection and expression of our inner being or self. The person we are inside will determine our thinking, feeling and doing. In the same way, our everyday thoughts, emotion and action will have it’s part in moulding and shaping who we are.

Therefore as christian who are united in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ should have Christ formed within us (Gal 4:19) through the Holy Spirit taking on the Person of Christ as the “person” we are (Gal 3:27). So that our thoughts, emotion and action will be like Christ. And the more we imitate Christ in our thinking, feeling and doing, the more Christ is formed in us. This is a process, untill the Kingdom of God shall come in full.

Let us echo Paul’s desire in which he said :
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Why Phileo???

Two years ago i thought of this name phileo, and thought maybe i will give it to my son in future. recently i saw an electrical brand also use phileo but i don't think they have what i have in mind. Phi stands for philosophy which represent wisdom or the mind. Leo stands for lion which signify physical strength or represent the body. and Phileo in Greek means love, brotherly love, taking the place of the heart. Human must have a holistic growth, and the perfect example for this growth is seen in Jesus when it was said of Him that he "grew in wisdom and in stature, in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52)
Now the question is how can we have or generate this kind of growth in us? When we wash our dishes like a cup for example do you wash the inside first or the outside first? Where do u think we should start?.....